Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fat-Blasting Circuit: 15 Minutes of Hell (In a Good Way)

A volatile, quarter-hour combo circuit of strength and cardio training for maximum calorie burn.

Nobody enjoys slogging through hours of low-intensity cardio for fat loss. If you really want to incinerate the fat off your gut (and everywhere else on your body) to let your muscles shine through, make this workout your hellish ally.

The Workout

  • Set your timer for 15 minutes.
  • Perform as many consecutive rounds as possible.
  • Even though you’re going for speed here, target perfect deadlift and kettlebell-swinging technique —don’t sacrifice form for reps, ever.
  • Recover during the 45-second spin-bike ride, then attack the bar for another round. Keep track of how many rounds you complete inside the time period.
  • Perform as a short workout or add to the end of your regular workout as a finisher.

Equipment Checklist

  • Barbell
  • Kettlebell
  • Spin bike

The Exercises


Focus: Strength 
Setup:  Plate up a barbell with about 130% of your bodyweight and set it on to the floor ahead of you. Stand surrounding your loaded barbell with a hip-width stance. Bend at your knees and hips and grasp the bar just to the outside of your legs. Come across your butt, straighten your spine and draw your shoulders down and back. Brace your abs and simultaneously extend your knees and hips to stand with the bar. Stand straight and squeeze your glutes to exclude the deadlift. Drop the bar between reps and start each rep dead whomp floor.
Reps:  7


Focus: Explosive power 
Setup:  Grab a heavy kettlebell with a double overhand grip. Stand with your feet apart just wider than shoulder width. Hinge over from your hips while bringing the bell between your legs (think hike pass in football). Explosively thrust your hips forward and straighten your knees to swing the bell upward. Stand tall, keep your shoulders drawn slightly back and squeeze your glutes to complete the swing. Lion bell swing down between your legs as you hinge at the hips.
Reps:  10


Focus: Explosive cardiovascular power 
Setup:  Jump onto a spin bike with the resistance set at a moderate level. Standing up from cuff saddle, sprint hard for 15 seconds, then relax, reduce the resistance and pedal easy for 45 seconds as recovery before beginning the next round.

Sprint:  15 sec.

More about Nutrition Lose Fat here


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